In the first term of my Master’s, I took the course CS 842: Advanced Topics in Language Design and Implementation. The course was broken down into 3 components: 20% participation, 40% a presentation, and 40% a project. The project specification was to implement a significant programming project of our own devising, with approximately 1 day of work per week for up to 2 months. Example projects included:
- Implement a mini interpreter to illustrate a language feature.
- Extend an open source language processor with a feature.
- Do a comparative analysis and benchmarking of a specific feature in different languages.
- Analyze a code base to determine which language features are really used.
- Write a program transformation tool for a specific purpose.
My project, that I negotiated with the professor Stephen Watt, was to build a compiler for a subset of Lua to WebAssembly. I was interested in doing something with WebAssembly, since I have professional experience in web development but never had the opportunity to experiment with WASM before. I chose Lua because it is a relatively small language, and one that I have a decent amount of experience with thanks to lots of game development I did as a teen in the Löve framework.
A short demo video I created for the project follows:
I had a few goals with the project:
Write a compiler for a dynamically typed language. My previous experiences in writing compilers consisted of implementing statically typed languages.
Write a garbage collector. My experience in compilers so far came from course work, which always allowed us to assume an infinite amount of memory.
Learn the intricacies of the WebAssembly platform and its virtual machine.
Overall, I would say I achieved each of these goals. I was able to implement the following features in my compiler and associated runtime:
- Integer,boolean,string,nil,function,andtablevalues
- If statements, While loops, Repeat-Until loops, Numerical For loops, Generic For loops over iterators
- Tables as maps from any type of non-nil key to any type of value
- String concatenation
- Assignment between variables of different types
- Well-defined equality checks between any types
- Functions as first class values with lexical scoping
- Functions returning multiple values
- Forwarding of multiple return values in return statements and function arguments
- Boolean operators
with short-circuit evaluation, as well as not - Boolean operators over integers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to
- Garbage collection
- Primitive functions
A full description of the inner workings are available in this documentation PDF
And all of the source code is available in the following Github Repo